In 2016, nearly 43,000 people in the United States lost their battle with suicidal thoughts.
You could fill every seat Target Field and still have 6,000 people out in the streets of the souls we lost just last year. A stadium full of people who couldn’t see their value and their worth—people whose pain was so strong they couldn’t imagine a life without it.
Photo from Wikipedia by Terry Foote
We have to do something to help!
I can’t sit still. There is a fire burning in my bones to help people. Time for the next project.
In 2016, I released my first suicide prevention video to over 23,000 views and counting. If you haven’t seen it, watch it here.
The response? Saved lives.
The first video made a huge impact, more than I ever dreamed. So let’s keep going!
For the first time, I’m asking for you to partner with me financially to create more videos to combat the suicide epidemic around us.
Working with a video production company, I am going to release 6 videos over the course of a year inviting people into a better way of living. We plan to cover topics such as suicide, depression, worth, and how to get help.
Will you join me in this fight to help people see that suicide is never the answer? Even $5 could save someone’s life.
CLICK HERE to go to the GoFundMe and support this incredibly important cause!
Together we make a world with zero deaths from suicide.
Looking forward to meeting some of you and sharing this video project on my East Coast Speaking Tour.
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